Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Terrina and I experimenting with Photo Booth =)
And now Pop Art...
I am Anna. I would like for people to know more than just my name, unlike my associate. I love movies (Titanic, The Secret Life of Bees, and She’s the Man being my favorites). I absolutely enjoy reading, though I have no one favorite book. My favorite season is fall, and my favorite time of day is dinnertime. I look up to my parents and my step mom, because they seem to have done all right for themselves, and they raised me, so they must be spectacular ☺. The highlight of my life (so far) has been writing this blog. I’m joking, but it’s important to make your readers feel special. In the future, I look forward to graduating from an Ivy League School, preferably far, far away, and becoming a bizillionaire. I hope you enjoy reading It’s All Been Done Before!