Monday, February 28, 2011

Tuskeegee Airmen, Take Two!

Our amazing history teacher has always gone the extra mile. One example of this is her bringing Tuskegee Airmen to our school!To prepare for Lt. Broadwater, we watched the HBO movie concerning the Tuskegee Airmen. The other day, Lt. Broadwater came to our classroom. He talked about his career and how it helped him in his life later on. He told us a lot of important things about life. One of the things that he told us was to always fight for what you believe in. I also learned from him to do what you love doing. Another thing that he told us was to not give up!
Rick Jones, to whom Lt. Broadwater is mentor to,  thenspoke to us. First he discussed what Stuart had been like when he attended. Then he told us about Air Traffic Controllers. An Air Traffic Controller is not the man who waves the flags, as I had previously thought,but rather the person who controls flight patterns of airplanes already in the sky. The main thing that I learned from Mr. Jones is to LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS. I alsolearned not to assume about schools or careers. In addition, he told us to pay attention, because you never know where you'll end up!

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