Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Win Some Lose Some...We The People Mock Congrssional Hearings

   There's nothing wrong with a healthy competition- the We The People Mock Congressional Hearings is what we've been working on in Ms. T's class. The process itself was enough to drive anyone crazy, especially in our group. Our group consisted of Anna, Terrina, Ayanna, Ashley and Javon. We were all working together to answer one question- Does the Constitution Protect Our Basic Rights? Our answer was yes, however its wasn't that easy. First we had to come up with our introduction paragraph which was hard enough. In fact we changed it so that Ms. T-C approved. Also the day it was due we did not have it, but before the period was over we scrounged what we had and came up with an alright essay.

The day of the Mock Hearings was an alright day, we were cursed from the start though. Someone (Ayanna) hadn't dressed to impress while everyone else was so we looked uncoordinated. However, against all odds, we prevailed. We were amazing. We read it superbly and answered all questions with absolute conviction. Our essay was excellent, enough said. The questions were always answered correctly, all information as relevant and supported our thesis statement and we always included historical context to back up what was said.

Most surprisingly, we LOST. To Terrina's twin, no less. She, and all of her group, was cocky and show- off-y with their medals. However, she did have an advantage. She read my essay first which was filled with great ideas cases and evidence so she had a head start. She also stole our introduction, which we then had to change, since we decided that someone had to step up and be the bigger person.

The old saying still applies, you win some you lose some. even though we lost, I think was a great experience and with this I've learned so much about our constitution and the rights that come with it. So we did not lose all; and for the record our paragraph was WAYYYYY better! :^0

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